Renting a Dumpster vs. Using a Landfill — Why Renting Is the More Environmentally-Friendly Choice: Insights from a Dumpster Rental Contractor in Des Plaines, Illinois

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When it comes to disposing of large amounts of waste, many individuals and businesses are faced with a difficult decision: should they use a landfill or rent a dumpster? While both may seem like viable options, it is important to consider the environmental impact of each before making a final decision.

Renting a dumpster is often the more environmentally-friendly choice — but why? Below, we are going to explain why working with a dumpster rental contractor in Des Plaines, Illinois is the more environmentally friendly option than using a landfill.

Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Renting a dumpster to dispose of your unwanted waste can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially when compared to using a landfill.

Landfills are a major source of methane — a potent greenhouse gas produced as waste decomposes in landfills. This gas is released into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. By diverting waste from landfills, working with a dumpster rental contractor in Des Plaines, Illinois can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

More Recycling

When renting a dumpster, all the waste is contained in one area, making it easier to repurpose and recycle materials. This helps to reduce the demand for new raw materials and increase the overall recycling rate. Additionally, the waste can be sorted into specific categories—such as recyclable items, hazardous materials, and non-recyclable items—so it can be more efficiently recycled.

Many reputable dumpster rental contractors in Des Plaines, Illinois offer recycling services as part of their dumpster rental package, making it easier to help you reduce your environmental impact.

Conserving Natural Resources

When waste is deposited in landfills, it often takes up large amounts of space. This can cause a depletion of natural resources, as trees and topsoil may need to be cleared away to create space for a new landfill.

Fortunately, by renting a dumpster instead of using a landfill, you can help preserve natural resources. The volume of waste sent to the landfill is significantly reduced, which means fewer resources are used to construct new landfills. As a bonus, this also reduces the amount of energy needed to transport the waste to the landfill.

Reduction in Water Consumption

The process of transporting and disposing of waste from a landfill takes a significant amount of water. Not only does the landfill require water for washing, but also for the runoff that collects over time. This runoff can contain pollutants that can be detrimental to local water sources and aquatic life.

When you rent a dumpster instead of using a landfill, you reduce the need for water-intensive processes such as washing and runoff collection. By renting a dumpster instead of using a landfill, you can help reduce the overall demand for water and ensure that local water sources remain clean and healthy.

When it comes to disposing of your waste responsibly, working with a dumpster rental contractor in Des Plaines, Illinois is the clear choice as opposed to using a landfill. Not only does it help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it also helps preserve natural resources. In addition, dumpsters provide an easy way to recycle materials, allowing you to make an even greater positive impact on the environment.

Looking for the Most Trusted Dumpster Rental Contractor in Des Plaines, Illinois?

Are you ready to help the environment by partnering with a reputable dumpster rental contractor in Des Plaines, Illinois as opposed to using a landfill? If so, Economy Disposal Service is here to help. We have been providing dumpster rental throughout the Des Plaines area for nearly 25 years, and we would be more than happy to work with you. Contact us today at (800) 263-6060 to get started.

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